Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I will be back soon! I promise! Really....

Hello crafty friends!  I have been MIA for so long I apologize.  My life got a little (really a lot) crazy back in October.  Here's the past 6 months in a nutshell; Mom's Alzheimer's was getting pretty bad.  On 10/7/11 my husband and I celebrated our 11th anniversary, on 10/8/11 at 2 in the morning my Mom fell. She didn't hurt herself but we realized she needed round the clock care, we could not afford to have only one income so we had to get her placed in a home.  The home she landed in decided to mess around with her drugs (without my permission as I am her health care proxy) After 3 weeks there and 4 trips to the ER for either a fall or her having a behavioral episode ( all caused by the home taking her off her drugs cold turkey and putting her on anti psychotics!  Mom is not psychotic!) She spent the next 4 months in the hospital!  I had to fight tooth and nail to get her back on the correct meds!  I got her old PCP to finally take her case back.  The other nursing homes in the area would not take her in because the first nursing home had labeled her as a "problem" patient with violent outbursts!!  I have taken care of my Mom for the last 20 years 12 of them with Alzheimer's she is NOT violent!  Finally a home about a half hour away from us took her on.  Over the past month she is settling very well, unfortunately she has been suffering some non responsive periods, had a bad drug interaction, and now her kidneys are failing.  It is a never ending battle to make sure the Dr's stay on her care.  But I will say the nursing and CNA staff at this facility are great.  They actually care and love the patients and it shows. I haven't felt much like crafting so I have been redoing my Mom's old craft room to be my new craft room!! It is turning out awesome.  Here are some pics!

Ok no peaking at the back ground that will be revealed in an upcoming room tour video! Pretend you do NOT see the awesome TINK PINK walls!

We bought two of these stools a few years ago and they just kinda sat in the basement at the roulette table, but didn't get much use.

So I decided to redo them
Now they look like this!!

Here is a close up of the lace trim I added to make it ultra girlie girl!

I didn't take a before of this next chair, but it is a Stickly dining room chair that is Oak wood and had a cornflower blue textured material.  But not anymore!

And I redid an old foot stool to match!

Later this week I will post pics of the awesome craft desk I built (yes I built all by myself, power tools and all)

I have been checking in on a lot of blogs lately and the cards and projects have been awesome, can't wait to start crafting again! (The room is gonna take a few more months to complete, but I will be posting odds and ends during that time.  Miss you all!


angie ashuk said...

Ugh, what a bad couple of months. I am so sorry to hear of your troubles. I was dying to see your room, but sadly only the first picture of the chair can be seen:( Hope the next part of the year is better for you.

Dawn said...

You poor thing! I feel so bad for you and all the trouble you've had with caregivers for your mother. Her being sick is a handful in itself, but having all the added stress must be unbearable at times. I will pray for you and your mom. I like what you did with the chairs! Can't wait to see you back... Hugs, Dawn

Cely said...

wow, you had a hectic few months. sorry girlie. :( but i'm glad you're back and your room (and chairs!) look fantastic!!!